Shelves for the Bear, canning jars, painting supplies, and some of our camping supplies (rest is under stairs).
I finally put all the stuff I use outside in one place. Mona Lisa and Ratchet both commmented on how they don't have to "try and separate their bikes from everything." And I can actually get to the door to unlock it from the inside.
Another view of the outside stuff.
This is my shelf for items to give to relatives and friends and Goodwill stuff. The top shelves have a few house project items for easier access.
It feels really good to have an organized space. My house is in complete disarray and I was tempted to clean it first, but I realized the problem with the rest of my house is that I really need to purge and I needed a space to purge it to. Now I feel I can really start to declutter and rid myself of the unnecessary items that fill my life.